DEEPER Daily Devotional
Wednesday, 8th January, 2025

Topic: Watch Your Appetite

Scripture Reading: Colossians 3:1-10

If, as an African, you had an appetite for a local dish like fufu or eba, you probably would not appreciate it if someone took you to the most expensive Chinese restaurant in town. Your level of appreciation will be hindered by the fact that what is being provided in that restaurant does not match your appetite. The supply does not satisfy your desire.

While the Israelites were hungry for food and meat on the journey to the promised land, Moses was hungry for God’s glory. In the end, the people got manna and quail, and Moses encountered God in a way that made his face shine, causing all of Israel to reverence him.

Today, we can choose to be like Israel, hungry for material things that will perish, or we can be hungry for the glory that will transform everything about us. God will not force His glory on anyone but will satisfy those who are truly hungry for it. Like Apostle Paul admonished, we must set our affections on things above. Watch your appetite by directing it to things that have eternal value so that you can be filled with the glory ordained by God for you.

Meditation: What do you really desire from God? Is your appetite for the temporal or the eternal?

Written by : Elorm Mensa

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