DEEPER Daily Devotional
Wednesday, 15th January 2025
Topic: Treasure In A Jar
Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:1-18
Imagine a milk manufacturing company that spends a lot of time and money designing the label for the tin. The label looks so attractive with a world-class design. And yet, the milk inside the tin is rancid. We will be so disappointed, and the company will be shut down by the authorities. This is because the real product we are interested in is not the tin, but the milk inside the tin.
Our physical bodies and all the material blessings we have are like the tin and its label. They are good and important, but they are not the actual product. The light of the glory of God in our lives is the real treasure that our generation wants to see. We cannot spend more time branding the jars while ignoring the actual treasure deposited in us.
God’s treasure for the world is not found in immaculate, perfect jars. But rather, God has chosen us, fragile imperfect jars that must depend on Him so that He will be glorified in us. As God’s stewards, we must be conscious of the treasure we carry, no matter what our jars may look like.
Prayer: Lord, my boast is in You. Let Your glory shine forth through me and let Your power be seen in me.