DEEPER Daily Devotional
Friday, 14th February 2025
Topic: Love Inseparable
Scripture: Romans 8:31-39
If you’re familiar with the relationship between Saul, the first king of Israel, and David, 1 Samuel 16:21 might seem a bit surprising. It says, ” . . .Saul loved David very much, and David became his armor bearer.” We know how Saul relentlessly tried to hunt down David in an attempt to kill him. We know how Saul threw a javelin at David, twice, in an attempt to crush him against the wall. We know how angry Saul was at Jonathan, his son, because of his friendship and loyalty to David. What we often don’t realise is that the relationship between Saul and David started with love before hatred set in.
David, the shepherd boy was so loved by the king, that he became his armor bearer. That alone would seem like a great testimony. Except that the love Saul had would soon be corrupted by envy, jealousy, and frustration due to the fact that he had been rejected by God. This is not a unique scenario. We see several instances of friendships and relationships that end up in deep strife and hatred.
But in Romans 8, Apostle Paul describes a love that cannot be altered or corrupted. No demon, angel, situation, or emotion can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. He knows everything about us, and loves us all the same, with no conditions. No accusation or condemnation will change God’s love towards us. And it is based on this love, that we can also show love to others; not for what they do, but because of the great love we have received from God.
Prayer: Father, thank you for your indescribable love for me. And thank you for the privilege to share this love with others.