DEEPER Daily Devotional
Monday, 17th February 2025
Topic: Living Beyond Your Senses
Scripture Reading: Luke 5:1-8
The band of fishermen had just had one of those nights where nothing seemed to work. They had caught nothing after much toiling, and as they washed their nets, the mood in the group was in unison: it was going to be a tough day. But along came a preacher and used one of their boats to preach. They willingly gave it because the time for fishing was over. The preacher finished preaching and gave the most ridiculous instruction; ridiculous from the perspective of a fisherman. He asked them to go back into the sea and cast their net for fish.
The preacher was Jesus. The leader of the fishing band was Peter. It was definitely not the time for fishing, but there was something about this preacher that convinced Peter to ignore his expertise and to launch out in faith. Against every natural strategy of fishing, when they cast their net, they caught so much fish that their net began to break. They had to get help from another boat. Faith had delivered a harvest that their senses could not have imagined.
Through His Word, Jesus is still calling us to launch out. Yours may not be with a net in a boat, but there are areas of your life that you need to respond to an instruction from God. Your senses may not agree, but as people of God, we respond, not to our senses, but to the Word of God in faith. There is a great harvest at the other side of your obedience in faith. Step out today.
Prayer: Father, I choose to respond in faith to Your Word, no matter what I see and hear around me.