DEEPER Daily Devotional
Friday, 7th March 2025
Topic: Let The Living Waters Flow
Scripture Reading: John 7:37-39
When Saul, the king of Israel, was being tormented by an evil spirit in a way that distorted his reasoning and left him without peace, it took a young David with the Spirit of God to help him. Any time David played on the harp, ” . . .Saul was refreshed and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him.” (1 Samuel 16:23)
These evil spirits are still roaming the earth and tormenting lives, distorting the reasoning of people and enslaving them in all kinds of bondage and addictions. Jesus brought deliverance to anyone he met who was under an affliction of the devil. Where are the followers of Jesus who will bring refreshing to the lives of those who are afflicted today?
The Spirit of God is the living water that brings refreshing. But this living water needs a vessel to flow through. Our assignment is not to berate or condemn the afflicted. If you are a follower of Christ, then you have a responsibility to bring God’s peace and refreshing to a troubled world. As you receive of Christ, let there be an outflow of the living waters. The world is in dire need of refreshing, and you are needed because the answer dwells within you.
Prayer: Father, help me to be a blessing and to bring a refreshing to my world by Your Spirit within me.