DEEPER Daily Devotional
Tuesday, 4th February 2025
Topic: Guard Your Heart
Scripture Reading: Proverbs 4:20-27
Everything of value must be protected from damage. Smartphones, for instance, have screen protectors because if the screen gets damaged, the phone can’t function properly. Your heart is far more valuable than a phone screen because it determines the direction of your life.
What you see and hear and think about will ultimately affect your heart. Therefore, the best way to protect your heart is by being intentional about what you allow your senses to consume. A careless conversation, an unwholesome movie, a moment of anger, can sow seeds that will lead your heart in ungodly directions.
The psalmist said, “I have hid Your Word in my heart so that I will not sin against you” (Psalm 119:11). To protect your heart from the many negative influences around, feed on God’s word; treasure it in your heart. That way, any negative influence, emotion, or thought, will easily be identified and flushed out. The Word of God is the ultimate heart protector.
Prayer: Father, Your Word is my strength, and the protector of my heart. As I feed on it daily, I will not lose my way.