DEEPER Daily Devotional
Saturday, 8th March 2025

Topic: Faith That Cannot Be Denied

Scripture Reading: Matthew 15:22-28

Rejection, discrimination, low self-esteem, anger; these are but a few of the emotional responses that the Syrophenician woman could have had when Jesus denied her request for help. She had heard that Jesus was in town and had rushed to meet him to save her daughter, who was being afflicted by a devil. There was just one problem: she wasn’t a Jew, and the dispensation of grace had not yet been opened for Gentiles. She did not qualify for what she was requesting.

To make matters worse, it was not even the Pharisees or Sadducees who pointed out her disqualification. It was Jesus himself using the analogy of children and dogs to point out her unworthiness. But this was not a woman led by her emotions. She was led by faith, persistent faith that says, “I may not be qualified, but I will not be denied.” And against the protocol of her time, she received what she wanted.

There are doors destined for you to walk through, but not because you are qualified. If we limit our lives to what we qualify for, we would have a diluted version of what has been prepared for us. But by faith, we can have access to things beyond our qualification because the grace of God has granted us access. To enjoy the fullness of God’s provision, you must have the faith that cannot be denied.

Confession: I walk by faith to receive all that has been prepared for me through grace, and I will not be denied.

Written by : Elorm Mensa

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