DEEPER Daily Devotional
Tuesday, 7th January, 2025.
Topic: Build Your Faith for the Next Level
Scripture Reading: John 11:20-45
In Exodus 6, Moses went to the people of Israel to tell them that God was about to redeem them by His mighty power and bring them to the Promised Land. But the Israelites were not interested in what Moses had to say. Scriptures tell us, “they refused to listen anymore. They had become too discouraged by the brutality of their slavery.” (Exodus 6:9)
Martha was in the same position. She was so overwhelmed with the tragedy of her brother’s death that she wasn’t ready to respond in faith when Jesus asked them to roll away the stone. Her grief was in the way of her faith.
You may be dealing with wounds, disappointments, or fear from the past, and it is hindering your faith for what God is about to do this year. But God is empowering your faith today, as He says to you, “If you can believe, you will see My glory in your life.” Let go of every burden and discouragement of the past, and embrace, by faith, the next level that God has ordained for you today.
Prayer: Father, I receive strength by Your Spirit, to believe and to step into the next level You have prepared for me.