DEEPER Daily Devotional
Friday, 10th January, 2025

Topic: Born of God

Scripture Reading: John 8:33-47

I can only imagine the shock and horror on the faces of those Jews when Jesus told them, “You are of your father, the devil” (John 8:44). A few verses earlier, these Jews had proudly declared that they were children of Abraham, only to be told to their faces that they were actually children of the devil. What was the criteria used to determine who they belonged to? Their works.

These Jews hated the truth, and that is the nature of the devil, not Abraham. Your outward life, which is made up of your thoughts, words, and deeds, reveals your inward nature and your source. So, if we want to determine who your father is, we just examine the fruit you produce. Are you of the devil, of man, or of God? Those who are of the flesh produce works of the flesh, and those who are of the Spirit produce works of the Spirit.

1 John 5:4 reveals a nature that is seen in those who have God as their Father; they overcome the world. If you are born of God, you don’t play victim and find excuses. You overcome whatever life throws at you. As a child of the Most High, you operate in love, power, and authority, and you fulfill God’s will on earth. That is the DNA of the Kingdom!

Meditation: Do my thoughts, words, and deeds show that I am born of God?

Written by : Elorm Mensa

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